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Version actual de API: 1.0

Swagger Sandbox

Accede a la documetación de swagger sandbox a traves de este link.

Postman Collection

Accede a la collección de postman a traves de este link. Para poder usar nuestra colección de Postman deberás crear una bifurcación o "Fork".

  • Realizá un fork.
  • Completá estos datos para comenzar a loguearte:
    • ApiKey
    • ApiSecret
    • AuthorizedClient
    • ClientKey
  • El AuthorizedClient y ClientKey de Sandbox(testing) los recibis en un email. Los productivos se encuentran dentro de tu cuenta en Gestiones -> Gestión de servicio API.
  • Recordá que cada un tiempo el token se vence y debes volver a pedir un token con endpoint de Refresh token.



Tries to log in with the given credentials. Returns a session token which is needed to use the API.

Method: POST


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
ApiKey string required Api Key for the API Headers
ApiSecret string required Api Secret for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
    "creationDate": "2022-01-18T18:25:36.269Z",
    "expirationDate": "2022-01-18T18:25:36.269Z",
    "accessToken": "string",
    "expires": 0,
    "refreshToken": "string",
    "tokenType": "string"

Refresh Token

Tries to refresh the current session. Returns a new session token which is needed to continue using the API.

Method: POST


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Request Body
  "refreshToken": "string"
Response Body - 200 Success
    "creationDate": "2022-01-18T19:47:00.054Z",
    "expirationDate": "2022-01-18T19:47:00.054Z",
    "accessToken": "string",
    "expires": 0,
    "refreshToken": "string",
    "tokenType": "string"


Retrieves all the available accounts and their officer for the current session.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
    "accountNumber": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "officer": {
      "name": "string",
      "eMail": "string",
      "phone": "string"

Bank Accounts

Retrieves all the available bank accounts for the given account.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
accountNumber string required Account number to retrieve bank accounts Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
    "bankName": "string",
    "bankAccountNumber": "string",
    "bankIdentifier": "string",
    "currency": "string",
    "taxHolderIdentifier": "string"

Available Balance

Retrieves cash balance available for trading for the given account.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
accountNumber string required Account number to retrieve availability Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
    "name": "string",
    "simbol": "string",
    "amount": 0,
    "settlement": "string"

Balances and Positions

Retrieves account balance and positions for the given account.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
accountNumber string required Account number to retrieve balance and position Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
    "currency": "string",
    "availability": [
        "name": "string",
        "simbol": "string",
        "amount": 0,
        "settlement": "string"

Account Movements

Retrieves movements for the given account between the specified dates.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
accountNumber string required Account number to retrieve movements Query Params
dateFrom string ($date-time) optional Start date to filter the retrieve movements Query Params
dateTo string ($date-time) optional Finish date to filter the retrieve movements Query Params
ticker string optional Ticker to filter the retrieve movements Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
    "agreementDate": "2022-01-19T14:32:51.776Z",
    "settlementDate": "2022-01-19T14:32:51.776Z",
    "currency": "string",
    "amount": 0,
    "price": 0,
    "description": "string",
    "ticker": "string",
    "quantity": 0,
    "balance": 0

Investing Profile Questions

Retrieves all investing profile questions and possible answers.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
    "code": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "answers": [
        "code": "string",
        "description": "string"

Investing P. Instrument Types

Retrieves all investing profile instrument types.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success

Get Investing Profile

Retrieves investing profile for the given account number.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
accountNumber string required Account number to retrieve investing profile Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
  "date": "2022-05-06T14:25:29.920Z",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "string"

Create Investing Profile

Creates a new investing profile for an account.

Method: POST


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Request Body
  "accountNumber": "string",
  "answers": [
      "questionCode": "string",
      "answerCode": "string"
  "instrumentTypes": [
Response Body - 200 Success
  "date": "2022-05-06T14:31:38.638Z",
  "type": "string",
  "description": "string"

Register Bank Account

Creates a request to register a new bank account.

Method: POST


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Request Body
  "accountNumber": "string",
  "currency": "string",
  "cbu": "string",
  "cuit": "string",
  "alias": "string",
  "bankAccountNumber": "string"
Response Body - 200 Success

Cancel Bank Account

Creates a request to cancel a bank account.

Method: POST


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Request Body
  "accountNumber": "string",
  "cbu": "string",
  "bankAccountNumber": "string"
Response Body - 200 Success

Register Foreing Bank A.

Creates a request to register a new foreign bank account.

Method: POST


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
Request object required ForeignBankAccountRequest DTO Query
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
ForeignBankAccountRequest DTO Body
  "accountNumber": "string",
  "cuit": "string",
  "intermediaryBank": "string",
  "intermediaryBankAccountNumber": "string",
  "swiftIntermediaryBank": "string",
  "bank": "string",
  "bankAccountNumber": "string",
  "swift": "string",
  "ffc": "string"

Request Body:

Key Value Type Content-Type
extractFile Extract Bank Information File (PDF) string($binary) multipart/form-data
Response Body - 200 Success


Instrument Types

Retrieves a list of available instrument types.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success


Retrieves a list of available markets.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success


Retrieves a list of available settlements.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success

Quantity Types

Retrieves a list of available quantity types.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success

Operation Terms

Retrieves a list of available operation terms.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success

Operation Types

Retrieves a list of available operation types.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success


Retrieves a list of available operations.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success


Retrieves a list of holidays.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
start string ($date-time) optional Start date to filter the holidays (Default this year) Query Params
end string ($date-time) optional End date to filter the holidays (Default this year) Query Params
isUSA boolean optional Defines if holiday is in USA or not (Default: false) Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
    "date": "2022-05-06T15:42:43.473Z",
    "description": "string",
    "isUSA": true

Local Holiday

Retrieves if actual date is a local holiday.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success

USA Holiday

Retrieves if actual date is USA holiday.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success


Search Instrument

Search for items matching a given filter.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
Ticker string required Ticker of the instrument Query Params
Name string optional Name or description of the instrument Query Params
Market string optional Market of the instrument Query Params
Type string optional Type of the instrument Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
        "ticker": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "currency": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "market": "string"
    }, ...

Historical Market Data

Search for historical market data.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
Ticker string required Ticker of the instrument Query Params
Type string required Type of the instrument Query Params
DateFrom string ($date-time) required Start date to filter data Query Params
DateTo string ($date-time) required End date to filter data Query Params
Settlement string required Settlement Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
        "date": "2022-02-24T12:31:04.581Z",
        "price": 0,
        "volume": 0,
        "openingPrice": 0,
        "max": 0,
        "min": 0
    }, ...

Current Market Data

Search for current market data.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
Ticker string required Ticker of the instrument Query Params
Type string required Type of the instrument Query Params
Settlement string required Settlement Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
    "date": "2022-02-24T12:31:04.581Z",
    "price": 0,
    "volume": 0,
    "openingPrice": 0,
    "max": 0,
    "min": 0

Intraday Market Data

Search for intraday market data.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
Ticker string required Ticker of the instrument Query Params
Type string required Type of the instrument Query Params
Settlement string required Settlement Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
        "date": "2022-02-24T12:31:04.581Z",
        "price": 0,
        "volume": 0
    }, ...

Bonds calculator

Calculate the return on your investments.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
Ticker string required Ticker of the instrument Query Params
Date string ($date-time) required Date from Query Params
QuantityType string required Quantity Type Query Params
Quantity number ($double) required Quantity Query Params
AmountOfMoney number ($double) required Amount of money Query Params
Price number ($double) required Price Query Params
ExchangeRate number ($double) required Exchange rate Query Params
EquityRate number ($double) required Equity rate Query Params
ExchangeRateAmortization number ($double) required Exchange Rate Amortization Query Params
RateAdjustmentAmortization number ($double) required Rate Adjustment Amortization Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
    "flows": [
        "cuttingDate": "2022-11-09T14:29:09.823Z",
        "residualValue": 0,
        "rent": 0,
        "amortization": 0,
        "total": 0,
        "quantity": 0,
        "ticker": "string",
        "currency": "string",
        "name": "string"
    "sensitivity": [
        "tir": 0,
        "price": 0,
        "parity": 0,
        "variation": 0
    "tir": 0,
    "md": 0,
    "interestAccrued": 0,
    "parity": 0,
    "technicalValue": 0,
    "residualValue": 0,
    "totalRevenue": 0,
    "totalAmortization": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "currency": "string",
    "amountToInvest": 0,
    "amountToReceive": 0,
    "quantityTitles": 0,
    "currentCoupon": 0,
    "title": "string",
    "abbreviationCurrencyPay": "string",
    "abbreviationCurrencyIssuance": "string",
    "issuer": "string",
    "issueCurrency": "string",
    "amortization": "string",
    "interests": "string",
    "issueDate": "string",
    "expirationDate": "string",
    "law": "string",
    "minimalSheet": "string",
    "isin": "string"

Bids and Offers on Instruments

Search for the instrument current book of bids and offers.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
Ticker string required Ticker of the instrument Query Params
Type string required Type of the instrument Query Params
Settlement string required Settlement Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
  "date": "2022-02-24T12:31:04.581Z",
  "offers": [
      "position": 0,
      "price": 0,
      "quantity": 0
  "bids": [
      "position": 0,
      "price": 0,
      "quantity": 0


Active Orders

Retrieves all the active orders for the given account.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
accountNumber string required Account number Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
    "id": 0,
    "instrumentType": "string",
    "operation": "string",
    "ticker": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "date": "2022-05-06T18:06:46.549Z",
    "settlement": "string",
    "quantity": 0,
    "orderType": "string",
    "operationType": "string",
    "operationMaxDate": "2022-05-06T18:06:46.549Z",
    "price": 0,
    "currency": "string",
    "amount": 0,
    "externalID": "string"


Retrieves all the orders between two dates for the given account.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
accountNumber string required Account number Query Params
dateFrom string ($date-time) optional Start date to filter the orders Query Params
dateTo string ($date-time) optional Finish date to filter the orders Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
    "id": 0,
    "instrumentType": "string",
    "operation": "string",
    "ticker": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "date": "2022-01-31T19:28:19.627Z",
    "settlement": "string",
    "quantity": 0,
    "orderType": "string",
    "operationType": "string",
    "operationMaxDate": "2022-01-31T19:28:19.627Z",
    "price": 0,
    "currency": "string",
    "amount": 0,
    "externalID": "string"

Order Detail

Retrieves the information for the order.

Method: GET


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
accountNumber string required Account number Query Params
orderID integer($int32) required PPI Order Id Query Params
externalID string optional Client ID for the order Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success
  "id": 0,
  "instrumentType": "string",
  "operation": "string",
  "ticker": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "date": "2022-01-31T19:39:06.888Z",
  "settlement": "string",
  "quantity": 0,
  "orderType": "string",
  "operationType": "string",
  "operationMaxDate": "2022-01-31T19:39:06.888Z",
  "price": 0,
  "currency": "string",
  "amount": 0,
  "externalID": "string"


Retrieves a budget for a new order.

Method: POST


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Request Body
  "accountNumber": "string",
  "quantity": 0,
  "price": 0,
  "activationPrice": 0,
  "ticker": "string",
  "instrumentType": "string",
  "quantityType": "string",
  "operationTerm": "string",
  "operationMaxDate": "2022-05-10T16:56:29.426Z",
  "operation": "string",
  "settlement": "string",
  "operationType": "string",
  "disclaimers": [
      "code": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "mandatory": true,
      "accepted": true
  "externalID": "string"
Response Body - 200 Success
  "id": 0,
  "instrumentType": "string",
  "operation": "string",
  "ticker": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "date": "2022-01-31T19:41:14.986Z",
  "settlement": "string",
  "quantity": 0,
  "orderType": "string",
  "operationType": "string",
  "operationMaxDate": "2022-01-31T19:41:14.986Z",
  "price": 0,
  "currency": "string",
  "amount": 0,
  "disclaimers": [
      "code": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "mandatory": true,
      "accepted": true

New Order

Confirm the creation for a new order.

Method: POST


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Request Body
  "accountNumber": "string",
  "quantity": 0,
  "price": 0,
  "activationPrice": 0,
  "ticker": "string",
  "instrumentType": "string",
  "quantityType": "string",
  "operationTerm": "string",
  "operationMaxDate": "2022-05-10T16:59:37.549Z",
  "operation": "string",
  "settlement": "string",
  "operationType": "string",
  "disclaimers": [
      "code": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "mandatory": true,
      "accepted": true
  "externalID": "string"
Response Body - 200 Success
  "id": 0,
  "instrumentType": "string",
  "operation": "string",
  "ticker": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "date": "2022-02-24T11:59:18.708Z",
  "settlement": "string",
  "quantity": 0,
  "orderType": "string",
  "operationType": "string",
  "operationMaxDate": "2022-02-24T11:59:18.708Z",
  "price": 0,
  "currency": "string",
  "amount": 0,
  "externalID": "string"

Cancel an Order

Request the cancel for an order.

Method: POST


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Request Body
  "accountNumber": "string",
  "orderID": 0,
  "externalID": "string"
Response Body - 200 Success
  "id": 0,
  "instrumentType": "string",
  "operation": "string",
  "ticker": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "date": "2022-01-31T19:58:00.749Z",
  "settlement": "string",
  "quantity": 0,
  "orderType": "string",
  "operationType": "string",
  "operationMaxDate": "2022-01-31T19:58:00.749Z",
  "price": 0,
  "currency": "string",
  "amount": 0

Mass Cancel of Orders

Request the cancel for all alive orders for the given account.

Method: POST


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
accountNumber string required Account number Query Params
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Response Body - 200 Success

Budget of Transfer

Budget a transfer and returns the transfer with the budget.

Method: POST


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Request Body
  "accountNumber": "string",
  "cuit": "string",
  "currency": "string",
  "cbu": "string",
  "bankAccountNumber": "string",
  "amount": 0
Response Body - 200 Success
  "accountNumber": "string",
  "date": "2022-05-06T18:13:16.983Z",
  "status": "string",
  "currencyDescription": "string",
  "currency": "string",
  "bankDestination": "string",
  "cbuDestination": "string",
  "bankAccountNumberDestination": "string",
  "estimatedAmount": 0,
  "estimatedTariff": 0,
  "estimatedTotal": 0,
  "productType": "string",
  "operation": "string",
  "alerts": [

Confirm Transfer

Confirm a transfer and returns the transfer in detail.

Method: POST


Name Type Mandatory Description Location
v string required API Version Path
AuthorizedClient string required Authorized Client ID for the API Headers
ClientKey string required Client Key for the API Headers
Request Body
  "accountNumber": "string",
  "cuit": "string",
  "currency": "string",
  "cbu": "string",
  "bankAccountNumber": "string",
  "amount": 0
Response Body - 200 Success
  "accountNumber": "string",
  "date": "2022-05-10T17:08:15.487Z",
  "status": "string",
  "currencyDescription": "string",
  "currency": "string",
  "bankDestination": "string",
  "cbuDestination": "string",
  "bankAccountNumberDestination": "string",
  "estimatedAmount": 0,
  "estimatedTariff": 0,
  "estimatedTotal": 0,
  "productType": "string",
  "operation": "string",
  "alerts": [